
Transforming Kindergarten’s Online Image – Quo Vadis Kindergarten

As a kindergarten that prioritizes complete education through fun and interactive methods, Quo Vadis Kindergarten sought our assistance in upgrading their online presence, reaching parents in their local area, and inspiring them to actively participate in their child’s early education journey.

Visual Direction

To create a visually appealing and cohesive brand identity for Quo Vadis Kindergarten, we employed bright, happy colors that evoked a sense of joy and excitement. The playful font choice further reinforced the kindergarten’s commitment to providing a fun and interactive learning environment.


Understanding the importance of showcasing Quo Vadis Kindergarten’s activities and providing valuable educational content to parents, we developed a content strategy that balanced both aspects.

The playful visual identity and educational content have helped position Quo Vadis Kindergarten as a trusted resource for parents. The brand’s commitment to being a guide and creating a community has been reinforced, fostering a positive perception among parents in the local area.